50th Class Reunion Survey

HHS Class of 1959


Welcome again... The 50th Class Reunion Committee would like your feedback, comments and opinions
about the 50th Class Reunion that was held Oct 2-4th. 
We will not post your name or identity unless we have
your permission to do so.


Feedback Form


 We are interested in your opinion on the various activities offered by your Reunion Committee.
Please respond only to those with which you are familiar. Grade them as if you were giving them their report card...

Hampton Inn as a hotel                        A - Excellent       B - Very Good     C - Average       D - Barely Passing       F - Failing Grade N/A

Hampton Inn as hospitality site:             A - Excellent      B - Very Good     C - Average      D - Barely Passing         F - Failing Grade  N/A


Friday Night Pizza Party & Mixer

Indiana Welcome Center                       A - Excellent     B - Very Good     C - Average     D - Barely Passing       F - Failing Grade  N/A

John's Pizza                                        A - Excellent     B - Very Good     C - Average     D - Barely Passing       F - Failing Grade  N/A

Comments, please... on what you liked and disliked about Friday Night

Tour of HHS                                      A - Excellent     B - VeryGood     C - Average     D - Barely Passing       F - Failing Grade  N/A

Comments, please... on your response to the HHS Tour...

Reunion Banquet

Briar Ridge Country Club as a venue
A - Excellent     B - Very Good     C - Average     D - Barely Passing       F - Failing Grade N/A

Briar Ridge Menu / Food                  A - Excellent     B - Very Good     C - Average     D - Barely Passing       F - Failing Grade N/A

Comments, please... on what you liked and disliked about Saturday Night

Budget: We wanted to make the 50th Class Reunion affordable to all and tried to keep our costs down which providing the best reunion experience.
How well did your Reunion Committee achieve its objective?

Too Lavish - Not affordable      Classy but affordable - Just Right!   Too Cheap - Where was the free Champagne?
Was unable to attend because of the expense.

Comments, please...

What was the one great surprise or joyful moment that you experienced as a result of the Class Reunion?

Were you able to reconnect with a special classmate as a result of the Class Reunion?

What type of activities would you like to have had included for the 50th Class Reunion but didn't?


Did you feel as though you had adequate time to visit and/or see everyone you wanted to see?

If you felt that your 50th HHS Class Reunion was a special event, what made it so?


How can we keep each other in contact with our Classmates in the years ahead?
What recommendation do you have for another Class Reunion, Class picnic, Regional gathering, etc?


We hope to make all of the comments and opinions available to others. May we use your name in association with your comments?

Yes      No     NA

Thank you for your participation and feedback.

If you have photo images you would like to share, please upload them to: 